Soffit Siding

Soffit is the exposed siding underneath your roof’s overhang. It is generally the same style and color as your home’s siding, but this is up to personal preference. Soffit can be made of wood, aluminum, or vinyl.

The Importance of Soffit

Although Soffit is not as important for curb appeal as regular siding, it is nonetheless visible on approach to your house and thus it is important that it match your siding. Furthermore, similar to siding, Soffit can provide insulation to your home, bringing down energy costs. For more information on Lewis Walker Roofing’s Soffit products, call us at 866-959-7663 or click the button below.

At Lewis Walker Roofing, Our goal is to culminate new customer relationships while maintaining the quality and diligence that you expect out of an established roofing contractor. Our efficiency, expertise and experience allow us to guarantee our customers the best service, best warranties, and best prices.


1118 South Marion Ave.
Lake City, FL 32025

(866) 959-7663

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